Foods & Drinks That Cause Candida Albicans


In this post I wanted to list some possible causes for creating an environment where Candida can flourish. To some it may not cause Candida directly, however these types of food put you in the high risk category. These foods or drinks by themselves can be completely fine, however if more than one combo is … Read more

Candida – The Drunken Illness

Here is an interesting one for you. In many forms of Asian medicine “Candida” is referred to as the “Drunken Illness”. Interestingly enough there is a very good reason. As a lot of Candida sufferers are aware Candida was not a recognised illness in western medicines until the late 90’s. This does not mean in … Read more

Can Exercise Reduce Candida?

exercise bike riding

This question was asked of me recently so I thought i would do a post on the matter. Can Exercise Reduce Candida? To answer this question properly I thought i would go through my experience with Candida and how i dealt with it. Exercise was definitely a part of it. How much is what i … Read more

Ginger Helps Ease Candida


In this post i wanted to discuss the benefits of the root known as Ginger. Not only is it a great spice, root and food, research indicates it can also help reduce and ease the symptoms of Candida. Yes that’s right the root has many benefits – one being easing digestion, another being anti fungal … Read more

Coconut for Candida Reduction


Coconut has many amazing health benefits. One in particular for Candida sufferers is its ability to reduce fungal infections internally. This is good news for all those adding it’s benefits to the diet. Research has shown that coconut oil is the most beneficial out of all Coconut products as it most concentrated in the anti fungal fighting properties, however … Read more

Echinacea Helps Reduce Candida


One product that should be part a Candida routine is Echinacea. That is because Echinacea naturally boosts the immune system, a function dramatically lowered by the the Candida Albicans infection. For me myself personally it was not a total solution, however there was a difference when taken, in fact i found my energy levels were … Read more